We deliver novel therapeutics using
unique delivery technology with low dose,
high efficacy outcomes.
About NLP Clinical
NLP Clinical LLC is comprised of like-minded professionals who want to deliver novel therapeutics to people using leading edge manufacturing technology. There have been many issues with medicines being over prescribed with ultra-high dosing concentrations. Our goal is to utilize proprietary, state-of-the-art delivery systems to maximize bioavailability of our natural and chemical pharmaceutical medicines at a fraction of the traditional dosing levels. This enhances the efficacy, while reducing side effects.
In some instances, our research extends into delivering existing medicines but in a much more effective manner. Our online shop also offers natural CBD and complementary products for consumers and animal wellness.
Our Technologies
NLP’s proprietary manufacturing and delivery technology enables lower dosing, directed treatment to achieve higher bioavailability, resulting in less side effects. NLP has two (2) distinct delivery platforms using dry power Inhalation (NLPIinhaled-Platform) and our specialty coated Vegetable Oral Capsule technology. (NLPVCaps™-Platform)
Inhaled medication is absorbed quickly in the lungs and puts all of the medicine directly into the bloodstream bypassing all of the organs that normally inadvertently receive unnecessary medicine. A significant lower dosing concentration is needed to administer the same active ingredient to the person taking the medicine when compared to oral dosing. ⟶
Our proprietary delivery system utilizes two proprietary techniques which ensure maximized CBD absorption in the intestines.
• CBD oil is uniquely micro-encapsulated.
• The capsule is specialty-coated to ensure zero degradation in the stomach. The CBD oil capsule’s coating provides a barrier to stomach acids from the CBD oil. ⟶
NLP has targeted several products that utilize our novel delivery systems to commercialize and bring to market and is working with the FDA through the Investigational New Drug process (“IND”). Through NLPClinical’s E-commerce Platform, we also offer specialty CBD-based products.